Attract More Leads Being an INFOpreneur

We’ve all heard of then of course newest iteration is though the word was originally registered as a trademark (USPTO) on February 1 1984 by Harold F. Weitzen. In 1988, H. Skip Weitzen published “Infopreneurs: Turning Data Into Dollars” (John Wiley & Sons).”
As defined by Wikipedia, an” Infopreneur is a person whose primary business is gathering and selling electronic information. This term is a neologism portmanteau derived from the words “information” and “entrepreneur”.
An infopreneur is generally considered an “entrepreneur who makes money selling information on the Internet. They use existing data and target an audience.”
For the purposes of attraction marketing, I prefer the original definition: “turning data into dollars.” I further recommend that the data or content should be yours, not existing data. Too many people simply post articles they have read rather than creating their own content. Content rules!! You should create your own.
So the …
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